ACE: Admissions & Career Enhancement

The choices we make in our formative years shape our future. The ACE Programme, with its two key stages, offers comprehensive university application preparation and 1-on-1 guidance, illuminating a clear path forward. 

Start early to allow time for genuine self-discovery and preparation. Explore your interests, craft your story, and learn about your preferred academic and career pathways. Make informed decisions with personalised support every step of the way.

It is never too early to start - book a free consultation with us today.

Start Early: Prepare for Future Admissions & Career Success

Our ACE Programme is designed with 2 Key Stages to comprehensively prepare students for university applications and beyond. From start to finish, students will receive 1-on-1 guidance, illuminating a clear path forward in their educational journey:

Key Stage 1 (Preparatory Phase): Core Pillars

Inquiry & project-based experiential learning (Pre-Grade 11)

    • Sessions with personal Strategy Lead

    • Dedicated group chat with family for open communication

    • Timeline for progress tracking

    • Skills & interests assessments with tailored recommendations for growth

    • Academic: Skill-building & tutoring for competitions (e.g. John Locke, AMC)

    • Non-Academic: Personalised guidance to design and execute impactful passion/community projects

    • Group in-person OR online 1-1

    • Comprehensive support for applying to US, UK, and Singapore summer schools

    • Full access to resources on supercurricular opportunities and creating a competitive profile

    • 2-month 1-1 academic mentorship by professors from top US and UK universities

    • Students will work towards completing a project deliverable (e.g. research paper publication)

    • For more information, click here

Early Higher Education Preparation Core Pillars

Key Stage 2 (Application Phase): Core Pillars

Goal-oriented approach (Application Year)

    • Personalised guidance powered by proprietary data on offer holders and admissions insights to craft the best-fit course and school strategy

    • Unlimited guidance sessions and edits to craft compelling personal statements and essays that highlight your unique strengths and aspirations

    • Comprehensive guidance on selecting the right referees and outlining a tailored narrative to align with your target schools

    • Personal team of experienced advisors providing step-by-step guidance

    • Planning and management of timelines, materials, and milestones until final offer decisions

    • Exclusive guides to craft a compelling, strategically tailored application

    • 1-1 tutoring from top Oxbridge test scorers

    • E.g. LNAT, UCAT, ESAT, TSA etc

    • Realistic 1-1 mock interviews tailored to your application and target colleges

Frequently Asked Questions

  • We recognise that committing to a long-term programme is a significant decision. That’s why our programme is renewed annually, allowing you the flexibility to evaluate its fit and impact without overcommitting. We prioritise student satisfaction and success, ensuring they feel fully supported and can maximise the benefits of our resources.

    If any concerns arise, we’ll work closely with you to address them, including re-assessing strategies or, if needed, arranging a change of Strategy Lead. Your child’s progress and experience are always at the heart of what we do.

  • At UniWise, we firmly believe in a personalised approach that caters to each student’s specific needs and progress. Say goodbye to rigid programmes with fixed curriculums – ours is designed with flexibility in mind.

    We avoid a prescriptive delivery method, recognising that the programme should help students explore their future paths. This is achieved through strictly maintaining all sessions as 1-1s, allowing our team to tailor guidance to each student’s unique strengths, aspirations, and pace. Each family will also be added to a chat group with their facilitator, ensuring ongoing support and continuous engagement.

  • The sooner the better—it is never too early to start preparing for your future. The last thing that you would want is to regret not taking up a subject or exploring a certain field because you did not consider it in the past.

    The exact amount of preparation needed depends on each individual student's foundation and aspirations. However, we generally recommend that students enrol in Grade 9 or earlier. This allows sufficient time to explore and engage in different interest areas before selecting their subjects and focusing on portfolio building.

  • As our flagship programme, we prioritise the needs of our ACE students by limiting each facilitator to a maximum of 10 students at any point in time. This ensures that each student receives dedicated and personalised attention, allowing our facilitators to effectively cater to their individual needs.

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